Thursday, January 26, 2006

GOAT in the year of DOG

Disposition The Goat does not want to disappoint people around him. He is sensitive to things happening around him. He loves nature and is generous. Possess a making for cultural art. He has a subjective approach to problems thus hesitating during analysis. When he meets with serious matters, he will be thrown into confusion. He leads a simple and peaceful life and can easily adapt to any environment.Most Goats have no courage. He enjoys being appreciated by others. The personality is gentle. Although he is intelligent, his analytical mind is weak. First year luck is average and there is no accomplishment. In the middle age, if he has a capable and wise partner, he will be able to establish a successful business. The Goat has a sense of responsibility towards work and no matter how much work they have, they are willing to undertake without complaints. In life or mentally, they have always hoped that their future will be stable, and have lots of children. In the marriage life, they can endure silently when they meet obstacles.

Marriage Best ideal union with the Goat is the Pig or the Horse. The Horse is obedient in nature and the Goat can rely on him/her. The Pig may also tolerate the Goat’s complaining character. Avoid the Goat and the Cow union as Cow is inborn with hardworking nature and do not like the Goat’s way of work. If they were to marry, it will result in arguments and finally a divorce.

Luck Luck for those born in the year of Goat is 50%-50% good and bad. It is smooth sailing for the female Goat. There will be a possible marriage celebration and you will meet benefactors that will help you in all aspects. If you have business investments this year, you are able to yield good results. Whatever unpleasant matters that have happened will turn out to be better this year. Participate in more social activities and it will help to improve inter-relationships.The male Goat is entirely opposite, he must pay attention to health and there may be arguments due to rumours. Be cautious with friends around you as they may betray you and be wary of what you speak as disputes may arise unnecessarily.

Career With the lucky constellation shining brightly, all business ventures will be successful. Career development will be slow in Spring time. In Summer season, one may meet the benefactor. Guard against the villain in Autumn season. Continue to strive hard. Winter season will be the time to reap profits. If you want to form a partnership to do business, your ideal business partner must be born in the year of Pig, Rabbit, and Horse.

Fortune LuckThere is an abundance of good luck this year. If financially permitted, you may want to invest in real estates in Winter time. Wealth in Spring season is not favorable. As unexpected wealth(lucky draw, 4D, Toto) is present in Winter season, you can try your luck. Who knows a windfall may befall on you. If you visit casinos, you should choose an auspicious position and numbers, you will reap unexpected results.

Health Health for the female Goat is average but the male Goat has to pay extra attention to avoid operations and bloodshed incidents. Do not neglect health because of career. Spend more time on family and take a vacation to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Romance There will be many social events this year and singles may meet ideal partners. As the Goat is known for being sentimental, be patient in whatever you want to do. Pay attention to your own words and deeds, otherwise the relationship will be a failure. Avoid arguments and you will live a blissful life. The Peach Blossom constellation will appear in lunar calendar November.

Academic The Goat must study diligently this year and will be rewarded with good results. There may be arguments arising among classmates or friends. There must be a mutual tolerance and understanding then friendships will be stronger and lasting.


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