Sunday, February 13, 2005

dun despair lah !!!

dun despair lah! itulah kata-kata Milan yang kembalikan senyuman di hati aku jap tadi. Kemarin tension sungguh aku dengan masalah keja, terus aku tepon Milan kat Sydney, tak puas ngan tu aku email lak dia, sambung ngan sms lagik, akhirnya lega giler bila dapat reply email Milan!

Life is like a rollercoaster with ups and downs, one minute your happy enjoying the ride then the next minute, you are throwing up! hahaha Hmm dont despair lah, keep being nice and good to others even if they'are not good to your or help you out. Whats important is GOD knows what you're doing and he's the only person you have to impress, NO-ONE ELSE ok. Just because ppl are not so kind and helpful as u r to them, dont use that reason to be bad to others. Ur stronger and wiser than that. U know what i do, I just TRYING to be nice to ppl and do good and not expect anything in return at all, so at least i dont get disappointed, AND when they do good things back to me, then its a BONUS and if they dont then thats fine also coz I never expected anything in the first place. U know im like you, i give so much but nothing in return BUT thats ok lah, GOD knows all of this and he's planning good things for us as we are speaking now. Have more faith la. Through every dark nite, there's a bright day after that.

Aku senyum. Milan, I know God give you to me as a special gift, even we are far apart but we are closed in our heart. Aku cari Milan di sini : di Penang : di Malaysia tapi tak pernah aku jumpa, insan seperti dia hidup dengan penuh kesederhanaan. Walaupun kami bersua hanya seketika dulu, aku dapat lihat sikapnya jauh meninggalkan aku dan insan insan di sekeliling aku. Biar jauh di Australia, kami masih berhubung. Teman karib, sesekali di talian, bergelak ketawa, bercerita, berkongsi segala rasa duka.

Teringat aku Ramadhan dulu, dia juga berpuasa. Sesekali menghantar SMS 'selamat berbuka puasa' Hehe...lucu aku. Terbaru...aku jadi pilu bila sms tiba di Tahun Baru Hijrah : 'Selamat Menyambut Maal Hijrah 1 Muharram' .
Yang aku tahu perhubungan ini tak akan berakhir selagi aku masih punya nyawa di badan, InsyaAllah.
Posted by Hello


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